interfering with 的 2 个定义
in·ter·fered, in·ter·fer·ing.
- to come into opposition, as one thing with another, especially with the effect of hampering action or procedure: Constant distractions interfere with work.
- to take part in the affairs of others; meddle: to interfere in another's life.
- to strike against each other, or one against another, so as to hamper or hinder action; come into physical collision.
- (9)
- interfere with, Chiefly British. to molest sexually.
interfering with 近义词
等同于 interception
interfering with 的近义词 2 个
等同于 head off
interfering with 的近义词 4 个
等同于 block
interfering with 的近义词 40 个
- arrest
- bar
- blockade
- clog
- close
- close off
- cut off
- deter
- halt
- hinder
- hold up
- impede
- intercept
- prevent
- stall
- stop
- thwart
- barricade
- brake
- catch
- charge
- check
- choke
- congest
- dam
- fill
- occlude
- plug
- stonewall
- stopper
- stymie
- tackle
- block out
- close out
- hang up
- interfere with
- shut off
- shut out
- stop up
- take out of play
interfering with 的反义词 25 个
等同于 disrupt
等同于 hamper
interfering with 的近义词 42 个
- block
- curb
- frustrate
- hamstring
- handicap
- hinder
- hobble
- hold up
- inconvenience
- inhibit
- obstruct
- prevent
- retard
- stymie
- thwart
- baffle
- balk
- bar
- bind
- check
- clog
- cramp
- cumber
- embarrass
- encumber
- entangle
- fetter
- foil
- hog-tie
- leash
- restrain
- shackle
- tie
- trammel
- cramp one's style
- drag one's feet
- get in the way
- hang up
- interfere with
- slow down
- tie one's hands
- tie up
interfering with 的反义词 26 个
更多interfering with例句
- The weight can mimic touch, and the deep pressure can be beneficial for little ones who experience overstimulation linked to ADHD or autism, which might be interfering with their sleep.
- “He must have staff members over there looking for ways to interfere with the District,” said Norton, who has often sparred with Lee over his attempts to set policy in the District.
- Processors with just tens of qubits are already the size of server racks, so finding ways to squeeze thousands or even millions of them into a reasonable amount of space while preventing them from interfering with each other is an unsolved problem.
- Finance professors bemoaning how the extreme volatility is interfering with the market’s “price discovery” process.
- As those electron waves spread out, they interfered with each other.
- It was as if it would interfere with the largest particular work of her life, which happened to be me.
- However, it can interfere seriously with blood thinners and should never be taken with other antidepressant drugs.
- Another issue is that alcohol is a diuretic and being dehydrated will certainly interfere with your speed and endurance.
- These drugs interfere with the double helix zip-unzip-zip-again process of RNA and DNA replication.
- And go easy on fiber, which in large amounts can interfere with ovulation.
- He curved his hand round mine, and told me as long as I played right, his hand would not interfere with mine.
- If it be a necessary, inevitable arrangement, I would not interfere with it for the world.
- This automatic suitable bass device does not interfere with the normal use of the stop-keys of the pedal department by hand.
- Nor will a court interfere because there have been irregularities in the proceedings, unless these were of a grave character.
- He supported me consistently, permitting no one but himself to interfere with anything I thought it right to do.